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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Summer 2

Our Learning in Summer 2

The final half term as Year 3s!

As historians, we have continued to find out about the Shang Dynasty. We learned how Shang society was structured, the importance of slavery and investigated battle tactics when finding out about the Shang military.

Linked to this, in art, we have been sketching and using a variety of materials to create our own Chinese bowls. 

For geography this half term we've really shaken things up! We have been learning about earthquakes! We have researched some of the world's biggest earthquakes, created a model to show the layers of the earth, found out about and located tectonic plates and found how earthquakes are measured. We have also found about different time zones around the world.

As scientists, we have been learning about forces. We have created and conducted our own experiments to test the impact of push and pull, upthrust, gravity and friction on the world around us.

In music. 3BG and 3SM have been exploring sounds from around the world while 3SP have been doing African drumming.

In PE, we have been enjoying athletics. We have been practising our techniques for running, jumping and throwing. We particularly enjoyed javelin!

The pupils have been to create LAN (Local Area Networks) in computing.

In DT, we have been designing and cooking our own stir-fries. We visited a restaurant in China Town and used it as inspiration for our own dishes.

We have been exploring sports in Spanish. 

In PSHE, we have discussed where products come from and what Fair Trade is.

As philosophers, we have discussed many big question about who we are and our beliefs. 

While in RE, we have found out about celebration in different religions including Easter, Diwali, Ramadan and Pesach.