St Margaret's Church of England Primary School
Spring 2
Our Learning in Spring 2
Year 6's learning in reading, writing and mathematics continues to follow the yearly overview. This begins by completing both Power Maths Textbooks 6B and 6C. In English, the genres for both reading and writing include a persuasive or balanced argument, an explanation text and a journalistic report. The texts used for these all link to science and the work of Charles Darwin.
This half-term sees multiple subjects focus on adaptation and evolution. Science covers the fundamental principles of the theory of natural selection. Additionally, in computing the pupils will use CAD software to create their own adapted organism for a select environment, before publishing their discoveries on a bespoke website. There is also a connection in Spanish: learning to talk about pets and colours. In RE, they will explore both the similarities and the differences between Christianity and Humanism.
With SATs and transition in mind, PSHE teaches the cohort how to manage both their own feelings, and how to treat people with disabilities. Similarly, P4C uses a variety of stimuli to explore how children feel about the world around them. Geography takes us on a tour of the country of Russia, while history uncovers the key events up to and during the second World War, culminating in a visit to the Imperial War Museum.
Tag rugby is covered during PE, focusing on ball-handling skills and team organisation. In music, the children will continue their learning from last half term by using software to create their own backing tracks to the 12-bar blues. Art looks at the work of Claude Monet and early Impressionist painters. DT also involves paint, as well as stitching, sequins, and anything else that would be useful in "up-cycling" old clothes, instead of discarding them. This will be capped off with St. Margaret's first-ever sustainable fashion show!