St Margaret's Church of England Primary School
Physical Education
Our PE curriculum is formed from the statutory Framework for the EYFS and the National Curriculum. The curriculum offers a varied program in order to enthuse children and inspire interest in a wide range of sports. The knowledge and skills have been carefully sequenced to enable our children to know more and to be able to do more. Sports may therefore be revisited in later year groups or skills may be revisited through a different sport to help pupils to retain knowledge and skills. In each half-term, we have planned end points for pupils to attain. These will mostly involve recording by video which will allow us to document the learning that has taken pace across a half term. The PE curriculum is enhanced by links with Manchester PE Schools Association, local schools and community projects as well as through trips and visits. These help our children to widen their experience of sport and of the North-West region.
We have gone further than the requirements of the National Curriculum to build scheme of works that are ambitious and give our children a world perspective, for example, by incorporating famous athletes from across the globe. Through the PE curriculum, the children will have opportunity to practise good sporting behaviour, resilience and determination. They will have opportunity to be self-reflective and seek ways to improve their performance. This will give the children values and skills that they need for later life, such as: cooperation, collaboration, confidence, and analytical skills. The curriculum will help develop pupils’ personal development such as their social skills, empathy, compassion, respect and understanding and application of the British Values.
Physical Education has been planned to promote physical activity and healthy lifestyles. Alongside the PSHE and Science curriculum, our PE Curriculum teaches children about the importance of healthy living and the benefits physical activity can have on someone’s physical and mental well-being. We aim for this learning to have a positive impact on their future by encouraging our children to become physically active citizens. This is supported through our active lunchtimes. The children are encouraged to engage in active minutes through the wide range of sports on offer and the use of sports coaches to facilitate this. It also has the added benefit of an additional opportunity to practise the skills learnt in PE lessons.
The pupils who are disadvantaged and who have special needs and/or disabilities cover the same subjects as all pupils. In terms of differentiation, we will follow a STEP approach. Lessons will be adapted through changing the space, the task, the equipment or the people involved. Where a pupil has severe needs, they will have a bespoke curriculum matched to their education, health and care plan (EHCP). The class teacher will liase with the SENCO and PE subject lead regarding specific adaptations to the lessons that need to take place for these children. Some pupils, who have specific needs or physical needs, will be withdrawn occasionally from lessons for specific exercises or interventions.
P.E. at St Margaret's
Pupil Views
"I enjoyed playing dodgeball because I loved throwing the balls and dodging them!"
Year one pupil
"I learned how to run in P.E. It's good for you because it's exercise and gives you more energy."
Year two pupil
"I like P.E. because we get to work in teams to develop our team work."
"My favourite sport is javelin because we were pushing ourselves to throw it further by improving our technique."
Year three pupil
"I liked it when we learned football this year because we did a lot of different warm up activities and we practised many different skills."
Year four pupil
"I found P.E. a lot of fun this year and we did lots of different sports such as badminton and basketball. From doing sports at school I have become better and I am glad because P.E. is my favourite subject. I can't wait for P.E. next year in year six.
Year five pupil
"The range of sports we have learned this year has been really good. Learning different sports from the ones we have at break time and dinner time has given me confidence."
Year six pupil
Please see our PE Progression Ladder below:
Our curriculum is still being worked on so progression ladders may be updated/adapted