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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Spring 2

Our Learning in Spring 2

Theme: Moral tales

Subject Overview

Focus on the ‘staircase’ pattern and ordering numbers

Focus on ordering numbers to 8.

Use language of less than

Composition - Focus on 7

Doubles – explore how some numbers can be made with 2 equal parts

Sorting numbers according to attributes - odd and even numbers



Billy and the Beast

My Monster and Me

Aaaaaargh Spider!

Personal, Social and Emotional

To name and describe what it means to be safe in the classroom

To demonstrate safe behaviour around the setting

To know the classroom rules and expectations

To know what the right and wrong behaviour choices are

To make good behaviour choices

To know safety procedures in a variety of different settings, e.g. getting lost in the supermarket

To understand how to be safe on the internet

To understand that their body belongs to them

Communication and Language

To listen to stories and understand the narrative

To use and retell the stories in the roleplay and the stage area

To use full sentences in focus sessions and in the provision

To be able to talk about different aspects of a character, e.g. clothes, shoes, hair, eye colour etc

To plan activities with others.. I am going to… shall we….

Physical Development

To explore moving the ball with their feet.

To direct a ball to a set place,

To practise kicking the ball from a standing position to each other.

To kick the ball as they move slowly.

To stop a ball which is rolling towards them and retain their balance.

To stop and then kick a ball.

Knowledge and Understanding of the world

To understand what season we are currently in

To know and order the seasons

To talk about what different weather to expect in each season

To recap which body part links with each sense

To talk about what they are experiencing with each of their senses

To explore growing a plant

To begin to know what plants need to grow

Expressive Arts and Design

To know and sing familiar songs

To listen to songs they enjoy

To perform songs that they know on the stage

To explore how different resources can be used for different things

To assemble and join materials to  create

To create different art pieces using different media, e.g. paint, collage, colouring, print etc.

To understand what a collage is and use appropriate techniques to create an effective outcome