St Margaret's Church of England Primary School
Important Information
PE days for each class:
3AN - Friday
3RC - Thursday
3SB- Monday
Please make sure your child wears their PE kit to school on their PE day. This should include a white top, black bottoms (leggings, jogging bottoms or shorts) and trainers. They should also wear their school jumper and bring a coat. They should have their hair tied up and should not wear any jewellery.
Children should read daily. They will be set additional work on a Friday. They will have a talking task linked to the class' P4C session from the week; a spelling activity, arithmetic and writing.
Children have the opportunity to read and develop a love of books at St Margaret’s through daily reading sessions, accelerated reader, story time sessions and home reading books, as well as across the curriculum.
It is important that your child brings their reading book into school each day and that children read at home on a daily basis.