St Margaret's Church of England Primary School
Asthma Friendly Schools
St Margaret’s has been selected as part of the Asthma Friendly Schools pilot.
The project is currently being piloted in Manchester with seven schools until April 2024. The aim is to improve outcomes for children living with asthma and to enable schools to achieve recognition and meet agreed standards of care.
The schools involved in the pilot are being provided support to:
- Register all children and young people with asthma in the school.
- Develop a management plan for each child.
- Identify a named individual responsible for asthma in each school.
- Develop a policy for inhaler techniques and care of children with asthma.
- Develop a policy for emergency treatment.
- Provide asthma training and education for staff.
- Develop a system for identifying children who are missing school because of their asthma or who are not taking part in sports or other activities due to poor control.
Asthma is one of the most common long term medical conditions in the UK, with around one in 11 children and young people living with asthma. Asthma is a chronic respiratory condition that affects the airways, causing them to become inflamed and narrow. This makes it difficult for your child to breathe properly. Asthma can vary in severity and may be triggered by certain allergens, exercise, or other factors. It is important for parents to understand the signs of uncontrolled asthma and how to manage their child's condition effectively.
Click HERE to watch our Asthma friendly schools video.
Follow the LINK to Manchester Children’s Community Asthma Service for further information and resources
The current pilot with the seven schools in Manchester will run until April 2024. If successful, it will be rolled out to schools across the region.