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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Autumn 2

Our Learning in Autumn 2

Theme: Special celebrations

Subject Overview

Counting - Focus on the ‘five-ness of 5’ using one hand and the die pattern for 5.

Practise object counting skills

Comparison of sets - by matching

Composition - Explore the concept of ‘whole’ and ‘part’

Focus on the composition of 3, 4 and 5

2D and 3D shapes

Positional language


Owl Babies

Shubh Diwali


The Mince Spies

Personal, Social and Emotional

To know what being kind looks like and show kind behaviour

To start to listen to others

To share and take turns

To begin to understand how their actions make other people feel

Communication and Language

To use new vocabulary learnt about celebrations correctly and in the right context

To recall events that happened, recount details of what they noticed

To use the phrased now, next and then correctly

To use pronouns correctly in relation to tense

To respond appropriately to questions asked by adults

Physical Development

To use balls, ropes, bean bags with some understanding of how to control them

To use scissors with increased control and begin to cut objects out

To develop fine motor skills, to begin to complete tasks such as threading, tying, pinching

To be able to form letters of the alphabet correctly.

Knowledge and understanding of the world

To name different celebrations

To understand why we have different celebrations

To take part in different celebrations

To name different places of worship and which religion worships there

To understand what the past means

To talk about celebrations in the past

Expressive Arts and Design

To listen to different music and talk about the origin

To listen to different songs and know what they are celebrating

To perform confidently- songs, actions and lines in the Nativity


RE/Literacy - trip to the Gita Bhavan Hindu Temple to learn about Diwali