St Margaret's Church of England Primary School
Important Information
PE days for each class:
1ST - Thursday
1NC - Wednesday
1CM - Tuesday
Please make sure your child wears their PE kit to school on their PE day. This should include a white top, black bottoms (leggings, jogging bottoms or shorts) and trainers. They should also wear their school jumper and bring a coat. They should have their hair tied up and should not wear any jewellery.
Children should read daily. They will be set additional work on a Friday. They will have a talking task linked to the class P4C session from the week, a spelling activity, arithmetic and writing.
Children have the opportunity to read and develop a love of books at St Margaret’s through daily reading sessions, accelerated reader, story time sessions and home reading books, as well as across the curriculum.
The Year 1 story time texts for this half-term are:
- My Hair by Hannah Lee
- The Owl who was Afraid of the Dark by Jill Tomlinson
- Elmer by David McKee
- No-bot by Sue Hendra & Paul Linnet
It is important that your child brings their reading book into school each day and that children read at home on a daily basis. Book change for Year 1 takes place twice a week – Wednesday and Friday.